The Illusion of Control: Stop Lying to Yourself
The world is random, we are powerless, and why it’s time to accept that. Unpacking the Illusion of Control The idea of being “in control” is a funny thing. For starters, we can’t control anything other than our emotional response to a situation. While knee-jerk reactions are a real thing, we’re in charge of whether they get to stick around or not. And that’s the end of us being able to control anything, if we can go as far to even say that’s control. We think we’re in control when we make decisions about our lives, but therein lies the illusion. We “control” the choice, sure, but we’re powerless over the…
Happy New Year & Other Crap Expectations
New year, new you — right? That’s what we tell ourselves when we hit this fairly unremarkable day on the calendar. There’s nothing special about it on its face. It’s a day that ends a month that also happens to end a year. Time is only a construct because we made it one. So, why do we put so much pressure on this one little 24-hour block? Most of it’s based in hope. Here’s to the end of this old, busted thing and the beginning of a new, shiny thing. New things are good because they’ll be different from old things, right? Some people throw their hopes, dreams, and goals…
Stop Trying to “Save” Everyone: It’s Toxic.
Why we do it, why it’s bad, and how to stop. We’ve all heard “you can’t help ’em if they don’t want to be helped” or “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink,” but knowing that doesn’t stop us from reaching out when people are hurting. I’ve got this friend I adore who recently buried herself in a series of terrible choices that have completely altered the trajectory of her life. As her friend sitting on the sidelines, I want to help, especially in such a complex situation. Initially, my role in this was that of listener. I heard her while she got her…
Learning Authentic Love through The Art of Detachment
How to set boundaries, love purely, and conquer the pain of loss with loving detachment. Letting go is the best way to hang on.
Be the Girl in the Bathroom
Y’all are always asking what we’re doing in there for so long, so I’mma tell you. We are saving lives, folks.